2. Therapeutic Things

by 4linnea

As humans, we are drawn to things that bring about a sense of peace or set our minds at ease.  We look for comforting, relaxing activities, because let’s face it, we’re WAY too stressed- more than any sentient being should be.  Aren’t we all just soccer moms, living our mundane, boring lives yet running our kids to too many practices and Young Diplomats of America-type crap events and taking on snack duty at the soccer games a little too much?  We are over-worked and over-scheduled.  The New York Times reported that stress levels in college freshman this year are at the highest they’ve ever been.  Uhh… ridiculous.  Let’s all just freakin relax for a second okay.  I’ll help all you stressed kiddos (& non kiddos) out there by sharing some of my favorite relaxing activities.

1. Reading.

Although, I’ve always really enjoyed reading, I developed an intense love (see: obsession)  for reading  starting in high school.  I just love books.  I wish I could sleep on a pile of books- mattress books (look out Eli Whitney, inventress to the maxx breaking through). Give me any type of book and I’ll give it a try- the older the better, i.e. Flannery O’Connor Whitman, Shakespeare, da Bible.  Wurd.  Also, who doesn’t love Harry Potter?  Here’s my all-time favorite book.  Read it:

Winesburg,Ohio by Sherwood Anderson, 1919

2. Exercising (Running, Yoga et al.)

Love love running– WITHOUT music.  Srsly guys, when else do you get the chance to just be in your thoughts with no interruptions while your body is bettering itself?  During my runs is when I pray.  Time to yourself, and time spent in the beautiful natural environment.  I pray harder, when my lungs stop wanting to cooperate (isn’t that always the case?)  Anywho, just start running guys, not on a track either.  Go outside.  And I know you’re saying, “but it’s so cold out, I don’t want to run outside” wah wah etc.  This is when I turn to you and say you get your exercise not by going to the gym (nay nay), but rather kick it inside with Jillian Michaels.  That’s right one of my all-time favorite people, right up there with Abe-y baby (Licoln, duh) and H-Tubman.  J Michaels (or Joni Mitchells as my friends call her) will work your gluteus maximus into shape.  Recently, I’ve begun her hybrid Yoga videos and they kick your butt into shape as well as improve breathing, balance, and flexibility.  Just try yoga, you feel really good after. Wurd.

3. Crosswords

Probably one of my all-time favorite inventions ever.  I do at least a few a day from books, with hopefully one being from The New York Times paper.  Thank you Will Shortz.  They are the most calming things ever, nothing better.  Not gonna say anything more about them, but I am completely enamored with crosswords.

4. Dancing

Just let loose and busta move.

5. Daydreaming.

Related to the psychological phenomenon, dissociation.  You know when you drift off, then you come back and have no idea you were “gone”?  You’ve somehow gotten home while driving or completed your shower without realizing you did?  Yeah- that’s a common experience of dissociation.  But let’s be honest, it’s the best.  I love to just drift off and daydream.  I do it all the time.  This is one way how I connect to JD from the TV show, Scrubs.  (Hope you know what I’m talking about, if not ask me about Scrubs, and I could probably reenact every episode, line for line.  Pathetic, I know, but I’m not mad about it).  Anyway, daydream more.  Think about happy events you would love to happen and truly be a dreamer.

6. Laying on your bed, thinking about absolutely nothing.


7. Listening to good music.

Good music soothes the soul.  Who doesn’t want their soul soothed.  Thanks to Bon Iver, S. Carey, Jose Gonzalez, Iron & Wine, The Black Keys, & Fitz and the Tantrum for helping my psyche calm down.

8. Falling in love.

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww gross.

Cuddle up to someone and spend some time not stressing.

9. Not stressing for tests/exams etc.

Let’s take right now as an example.  I should be studying for my Social Psychology exam tomorrow, instead I knew writing for an hour or so would relax me, and un-tense (Copyright LW) me.  Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s important to study and try your best academically, but I’m not going to drive myself mad by furiously writing notes or develop carpal tunnel syndrome from flipping through $200 textbooks. Nah, just learn all that you’re capable of learning and try your best, don’t wear yourself out or you’ll have nothing left.

I think this list could go on forevskies, but I’ll stop now.  Try some of these when you’re stressin’.

P.S. This post is dedicated to the Jillian Michaels’ mom.

Over & Out

Currently listening to: Young MC- Bust A Move